A Shout-Out to All SBHC Champions for ‘Keeping the Light On’ Throughout 2019-2020, Despite Impacts of a Pandemic
Hannah Cory MPH, RD, from the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health
On this Labor Day Weekend, it seems particularly appropriate to share a grateful - and much-deserved - 'Shout-Out' to the entire Massachusetts contingent of SBHC and MASBHA Champions who have labored passionately, determinedly, continuously, and creatively throughout this unprecedented 'moment-in-time' of Covid-19. The 2019-2020 school year has been like no other - though the school year actually started with a clear focus on the creation and sharing of MASBHA's profile and framework providing clarity of mission, vision, values, targeted outcomes, and execution strategies (attached link), as well as a plan for MASBHA's advocacy initiatives, as the priorities for supporting SBHCs and the health and well-being of our students. Initial meetings were planned by BOD members to engage with school-based health provider teams from across the state to collaborate and co-create next steps in advancing the mission and vision of school-based health services. Our Fall 2019 MASBHA Networking Event @ MGH on 11/18/19 provided an opportunity to gather together, join MASBHA as a member, brainstorm, and learn from our inspiring speaker, Hannah Cory MPH, RD, from the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, regarding the impact of psycho-social stressors and experiences of discrimination (ie: racial, gender, weight, class, ability) on dietary patterns, physiology, and, ultimately, inequities in chronic disease outcomes - as she shared strategies for reducing weight stigma and develop guidelines for a weight-neutral approach. The following winter months were primarily focused on our upcoming school and community-based 'Meet and Greets' and preparation for SBHC Advocacy Day: 'MASBHA's Day on the Hill' to take place at the Massachusetts State House.
Fall 2019 MASBHA Networking Event
Then - February/March and Covid-19 arrived - and life as a school-based health provider changed dramatically. Though schools were closed, the health care needs of students, schools, and communities certainly remained - often more urgent - and every school-based provider across the state answered the call to creatively brainstorm the most effective ways to try to meet the unique needs of their own SBHC students, school, and/or community - highly dependent on technology, telemedicine options, locations, school/SBHC culture and available supports, any Covid-19 urgent priorities rated as emergency level within certain health agencies and organizations, frequency and depth of communication/collaboration with school staff, and - of course - the balancing of all aspects of the work with the more direct impacts of COVID-19 on a personal and family level.
MASBHA's 'Virtual Gatherings' have been held throughout the COVID-19 school closings, facilitated by MASBHA VP Jordan Hampton, Program Director and NP for Chelsea High School's SBHC, and provided a window into the multifaceted and thoughtful approaches to health care by school-based health providers determined to provide the expected school-based/community-based health care trusted by students, families, school staff, and communities. With public health issues clearly evident within the pandemic scenario, there is also the recent social unrest and urgency of the Black Lives Matter movement embedded and interwoven into the intersection of SBHC and school re-openings, reflecting MASBHA's commitment to end systemic racism, condemn violence, confront bias and inequity, and promote social justice for all people of color. Recent conversations and planning across the state has been focused on best practices across all realms, and potential plans for the future, with ongoing MASBHA gatherings still to come.
Examples of Recent Contributions of School-Based Health Providers, as Shared during MASBHA Gatherings:
*Shifting from 'In-Person' Visits to 'Telehealth/Telemedicine' Visits within 1st Week of School Closures
*Outreach/Check-ins to Students and Families: Existing Students & New Referrals - Both NPs and BH
*Combination of 'Telemedicine and Curbside Pick-Up' for Students Requiring Certain Exams, Prescriptions, Etc.
*Collaboration on Virtual School-Based 'Wellness Teams'; 'School Re-opening Teams'; 'Student Screening Teams'; Etc.
*NPs Called to Community Clinics and Hospitals for Front Line COVID-19 Testing/Treatment/Follow-Up
*BH Called to Participate in Community Clinic/Hospital 'Covid-19 Care Teams' - 'PUI' Follow-Up Check-Ins
*Community Health Workers - Connecting Students/Families with Necessary Supplies, Services, Interventions
*'Student Safety Leaders' to Support Students with Mask-Wearing; Serve As Role Models in Schools
*Taking on Increased Behavioral Health Referrals from Clinics - Due to Stress and Adverse Effects of Pandemic
*Participation in Community-Based Food Drives Addressing Food Insecurities of Students/Families/Communities
*Provision of Supports to Families Dealing with Stress, Evictions, Financial and Food Insecurities
*Proactive Planning for Anticipated Increase in Behavioral Health: Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, Isolation, Grief/Loss, 51A
*Advocacy for Disenfranchised/Disconnected Youth and Families Regarding School Communications/Tools/Technology
*Advocacy Regarding Structural/Systemic Racism in School-Based Planning: Curriculum/ Materials, Protocols/Relationship
*Provision of Student Forums/Groups to Discuss and Address Racism/Inequities/Social Justice Issues
*Professional Development Offerings for School Staff on Topics of: Antiracism, LGBTQ, Disabilities, Stress-Reduction
*Consultation Regarding School & Student Safety and Precautions: Space, PPE, Social Distancing, Ventilation Questions
*Lifting Student Voices and Creating Opportunities for Students to Safely 'Socially Connect' Though 'Distancing'
*Gradually Re-Opening SBHC Clinics 'On-Site' In Various Ways - Extended Day and Extended Week and Year Schedules/Part-Time Schedules/Reduced Capacity Schedules - In Collaboration with State/Local Expectations
*Provision of Health Education/Lifestyle Medicine Consultation re Covid-19: ie: Sleep, Nutrition, Mindfulness, Stress-Reduction, Social Connection, Movement/Exercise, Brain Health, LearningStrategies
*Creation of Bibliotherapy Library of Recommended Books, Materials, Movies Supporting Developmentally Appropriate Ways to Discuss Racism, Inequities, Social Justice Issues - Elementary/Middle/High School Students
*Realigning Referral Process for New School Year: Schools to Assess All Students (Both the 'Visible' and 'Invisible')
*Provision of Scheduled Appointments for Immunizations, Sport Physicals, College Physicals, Flu Shots - On-Site @ SBHCs or in Clinic
*Consulting with Special Education Students/Families/School Staff to Insure Learning Opportunities, Inclusion in Planning
*Creation of Temporary 'SBHC' Service @ Community Site - Some 'In-Person' Visits - With Telehealth 'On-Site' @ Schools
*Commitment to Supporting One Another and the Mission: 'Healthy Students, Healthy Schools, Healthy Communities'
Recent MASBHA and other state-wide gatherings of 'School-Based Health Champions' also channeled much energy and expertise into the following:
4/23/20 - 'MASBHA Gathering of the Massachusetts SBHC Community Addressing Impacts of COVID-19'
5/7/20 - 'Reflections/Strategies and Resources/ Brainstorming Supports & Advocacy for Students & School-Based Health'
May/June: Advocacy Letters/Calls to Legislators; Virtual Connections with Partners; Strategic Brainstorming
6/18/20 - 'Black Lives Matter: Commitment & Actionable Steps to Combat Racism'
6/23/20 - 'Expanding School-Based Health in Massachusetts' (HRSA & MASBHA Presentation)
8/7/20 - 'Individual & Collective Strategies Addressing Racism, Racial Disparities, & Racial Justice as Schools Reopen'
8/27/20 - Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers; Pediatric Medicine and Pediatric Behavioral Health Forums
Plus: Participation in ongoing updates and planning with the evolving guidance from Department of Public Health (DPH) School-Based Health Centers - Here for the Kids and National School-Based Health Alliance School-Based Health Alliance | Redefining Health for Kids and Teens and MA DESE COVID-19 Information and Resources - Student and Family Support (SFS), addressing Student Health and Well-Being/Learning and School Reopening Plans, in addition to individual school-based health provider collaborations and consultations with each local community and school.
So - Thank You, SBHC Champions, for all you have done during this past school year.... Enjoy this Labor Day and know we appreciate all your labor during this unprecedented time. We are all very grateful for your passion and commitment and MASBHA will continue to be here to support you in 2020-2021, as well! Good Luck & Take Good Care of Yourselves!