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Join us for a ZOOM meetup to discuss:
The role of SBHCs in the conversation regarding safely re-opening our schools.
Resources that may help in your preliminary thinking:
Pandemic Recovery Considerations: Re-entry and Reopening of Schools | Missouri School Boards' Association’s Center for Education Safety (I believe MA used the MO guidance during their state-wide COVID meting with the Commissioner, ed reps, etc)
COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Return to In-person Education in Schools | American Academy of Pediatrics
Interim Guidance: Role of the School Nurse in Return to School Planning | National Association of School Nurses
Interim Guidance for Administrators of US K-12 Schools and Child Care Programs | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Report of the Higher Education Subcommittee - Reopen Connecticut - recommendations to Governor for reopening of residential colleges, universities, and boarding schools.
As always, you might also want to check the national School Based Health Alliance page, which has many resources other opportunities for conversation and learning with our colleagues across the country.
We hope to see you on our next call Thursday May 28 at 10:00. In the meantime, please stay healthy and safe, and continue to let us know how we can support you and your organization during this challenging time. Thank you for all the work you do, every day.